Trusted for generations
Regardless of whether we’ve served your family in the past or not, we are here to answer your questions and address your concerns. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions for your convenience, but we welcome you to contact us with any other questions you may have. We keep all inquiries in strict confidence and we will do our best to assist you by phone, e-mail or in person.
Q: Who operates Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home?
A: Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home is owned by a Wisconsin limited liability company made up of local individuals and families, Milwaukee Funeral Services, LLC. Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home employs a skilled staff consisting of a licensed funeral director, a certified preneed consultant and other support personnel who are available 24 hours a day. Please refer to the Our Staff page for additional information.
Q: What should we do if a death occurs?
A: Whether a death occurs here in Milwaukee or elsewhere, please call the funeral home at (414) 964-3111 as soon as possible. We are available at all times including holidays. A funeral director will be notified immediately and will make arrangements to transport the deceased to the funeral home and to either meet with you in person or speak with you by phone to arrange funeral services. A hospital nurse, hospice nurse, nursing home staff person, relative, clergy or friend can also make the call for you.
Q: We live out of town for half of the year. What should we do if a death occurs outside of Milwaukee?
A: If a death occurs outside of Milwaukee, we ask that you call us first. We can make immediate arrangements to transport the deceased back to Milwaukee, including arranging for local transportation and air transportation. Because of reciprocal arrangements with other funeral homes, we can help minimize the cost incurred to make out-of-state arrangements.
Q: We are an interfaith family. Can we call upon Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home for all of our family members?
A: Yes. Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home serves families of all faiths. Our staff is knowledgeable about the funeral rites and rituals of both Jewish and Christian based faiths and can assist your family in making funeral arrangements that everyone will be comfortable with. We can also assist with the selection of clergy for families that are unaffiliated with a synagogue or church. All faiths are welcome.
Q: Do we have to come to the funeral home to make funeral arrangements?
A: No, funeral arrangements can also be made at your home, by phone, by fax or even using e-mail, if you prefer. We will accommodate whatever is most convenient for you. We encourage you to compare prices. If you would like pricing information, kindly contact us. We are here to help.
Q: Can we arrange for a funeral before death occurs?
A: Yes, we have a certified preneed consultant on staff that is ready to answer your questions and to meet with you at the funeral home or in the comfort of your home or office. You can prepay for funeral arrangements, but it is not required. We can explain the prefunding options to you and set up all arrangements through a bank trust or insurance policy. If you are presently living outside of Milwaukee, arrangements can be set up by phone, e-mail or US Mail.
Q: Can a payment plan be arranged if a financial hardship exists?
A: Yes, Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home will provide the same services to all members of the community and will respect the privacy and confidentiality of those individuals who are experiencing a hardship. We can also assist prequalified families with obtaining government assistance funding, including Wisconsin Funeral and Cemetery Aids Program (a division of Wisconsin Department of Health Sciences) benefits.
Q: Does Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home provide alternatives to burial?
A: Yes, the manner of final disposition is a personal matter which is sometimes discussed with clergy and/or close family members. Goodman-Bensman is a full service funeral home that can assist you with any method of disposition that you choose, including cremation and green burial options.
Q: Is the funeral home wheelchair accessible?
A: Yes, both the north and south sides at the rear of our building offer not only a wheelchair accessible door, but also designated parking spots. Because immediate family often enters the funeral home from the south door, we recommend that extended family and friends who require a wheelchair accessible door, enter the funeral home from the north parking lot. Family and friends that require additional assistance should contact the funeral home prior to the service, and we will do our best to accomodate you.
Q: We are not religious. Can someone explain the appropriate religious funeral rites and rituals?
A: Yes, our staff is knowledgeable about Christian and Jewish rites and rituals and is willing to meet with you either before or after a death occurs to explain everything and answer your questions. Sometimes families consult clergy for guidance regarding funeral rites and rituals, but many families are unaffiliated. We are here to help regardless of your level of observance. We will accommodate any level of religious observance you are comfortable with.
Q: Does Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home keep records of previous burials?
A: Yes, historical burial records for funerals date back to 1927 and offer guidance as well as a genealogical resource to families.
Q: What does Yahrzeit mean?
A: The Yahrzeit is the anniversary of a death according to the Jewish calendar. Traditionally, the Yahrzeit is observed by lighting a candle or Yahrzeit light at sunset on the evening before. The candle or light should remain lit through sunset the next day. If we can be of assistance, please contact us.